How would managers of businesses or business owners answer the
question: why are you in business? Would their answer differ depending upon who
was asking the question? Would any be bold enough to answer that they’re in
business to make money and that there is nothing wrong with making a profit?
They might hesitate before they answered along those lines. Like many, they might start off by talking
about social responsibility, making a difference and serving their customers and
community. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But are social responsibility,
making a difference and serving customers and community necessarily
incompatible with making a profit.
Greed is one thing: enlightened self-interest is something entirely
different. The simple irreducible minimum is that businesses have to interact
with the environment. Managers would not be doing their jobs if they didn’t
seek out opportunities to further the interests of their businesses.
There are always competing interests; however, acting socially
responsibly is not something that competes, but is something that synergises
with, business interests. Consider this: enlightened self-interest and social
responsibility are not diametrically opposed pursuits. They are more than just
compatible pursuits: they are synergistic pursuits.
What follows is written in general about undifferentiated businesses. However, my business is domiciliary care and I
should argue that what I have to say below applies without any exceptions to
that particular area of business activity.
Enlightened Self-Interest
Adam Smith, I should suggest, got it about right when he wrote that “It is not from the benevolence
of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from
their regard to their own interest.” Smith wrote those words in the 1770s in
what is probably his most well-known work An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the
Wealth of Nations. It expresses very succinctly the idea of
enlightened self-interest.
In more recent
times, In her book, Body and Soul,
Body Shop founder Anita Roddick explains how enlightened self-interest and
social responsibility work together when she talks about looking for “…the
modern day equivalent of those Quakers who…made money because they offered
honest products and treated their people decently…”. There’s nothing wrong with making money: it is
how that money is made that counts.
Anyone who goes
into business must believe that the pursuit of profit is the right thing for businesses
to do. However, it does not follow from this that when businesses act they must
only take into account their own interests. On the contrary, acting in ways
that may appear to be in competition with a business’s interest may be
decidedly advantageous. As Lynn MacDonald says: ‘Enlightened self-interest
recognizes that a company's prime purpose is to make profits, but that this
goal can be achieved by fulfilling its social and environmental
Social Responsibility
It’s little
wonder that the business world gets a bad press. Stories are heard too often
about corporate greed, unethical selling practices, misleading advertising,
shoddy goods, even shoddier customer service, poor treatment of employees and
the list could go on. The thing that is
quite simply downright mystifying is why people in the business word insist on
behaving like this when acting socially responsibly is better all round? As the Times Business Case Studies explains:
social responsibility can bring significant benefits to a business. For
example, [it] may: attract customers to the firm's products …make employees
want to stay with the business…attract more employees wanting to work for the
business… [and] attract investors and keep the company's share price high…”.
If that is correct, and I believe that it is, it seems perfectly clear
that acting in a way that is socially responsible is an act of enlightened
self-interest. By acting responsibly, businesses are acting in a way that best
promotes the interests of those businesses.
The socially enlightened answer, then, to the question why are you
(whether you are a manager or business owner) in business is that businesses are
there to make a profit from socially responsible business practices.
Garry Costain is the Managing Director of Caremark Thanet, a domiciliary care provider with offices in Margate, Kent. Caremark Thanet provides home care services throughout the Isle of Thanet. Garry can be contacted on 01843 235910
01843 235910 or email You can also visit Caremark Thanet's website at
Garry Costain is the Managing Director of Caremark Thanet, a domiciliary care provider with offices in Margate, Kent. Caremark Thanet provides home care services throughout the Isle of Thanet. Garry can be contacted on 01843 235910
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